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Elevate Your Workforce

Drive growth from within


Lead the future of work with a higher-skilled workforce and boost retention rates by offering benefits that stand out. Start with the GEDWorks program by GED Testing Service that helps employees earn their GED® credential, followed by flexible online higher education through Accelerated Pathways.

Our Solutions

  • GEDWorks

    GEDWorks is the official GED program for companies, nonprofits, and healthcare plans to sponsor their employees to earn their GED credential. Employees can earn their GED diploma while remaining in their jobs, and companies benefit from workers with improved skills and higher retention rates.

    Learn More >

  • Young man working on laptop
    Accelerated Pathways

    Accelerated Pathways is ideal for employees who want to pursue their college degree, including GED graduates. This program includes flexible online higher education options – from associate to bachelor to master’s degrees and graduate certificates. We provide an exemplary learning experience for employees with a dedicated team of advisors and student coaches to help throughout a learner’s journey.

    Learn More >

Education is our business

Leading organizations agree that investing in employees’ education and career growth drives positive returns right away and in the long term – increased productivity, higher retention, talent development from within, brand loyalty, more revenue – just to name a few!

*Source: Internal Pearson Study

0 billion
1 Billion People will need reskilling by 2030
30% of jobs are at risk of automation by 2030
83% of organizations experience a skills gap

Don’t just take our word for it

“On a scale of 1 to 10, I give GEDWorks an 11! Big thanks to my employer for offering this program to get my GED. Now I can provide a better future for my family.”

– Michael Weaver, GEDWorks graduate

“Accelerated Pathways has allowed me to pursue my dreams while learning. This would not have been possible if I had been in a classroom.”

– Caitlin Campbell, Accelerated Pathways graduate

“Accelerated Pathways fills a critical gap for parts of our workspace that traditional development programs don’t serve well. Helping our associates thrive in their jobs and careers is key to our brand.”

– Michael Karicher, EVP of HR and Training, Remington Hotels

“GEDWorks is a ready-to-use solution that’s scalable and cost-effective. As a result of investing in education as a benefit, our turnover is significantly lower than industry peers.”

– Krista Snider, Managing Executive Director, KFC Foundation

Fuel people-powered growth